Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Back!!!

Hello everyone!
It has been a while since my last blog, and I am so glad to be back here with you all. I have not forgotten where it all began, this is where it all started. I was busy working on my book "I am a Survivor" which was published in 2010 and its now world wide, taking this journey has been hard for me and I had my difficulties along the way but I remained strong as well as grounded. However I regret to inform you that the battle I was fighting at the time this journey took off, has not ended. I will tell you that the children are grown, my daughter is now 20 she will be 21 in two months and my son is now 13 about to be 14 in three, we are contempt with our life's.

There's so much to tell, too many sad stories to share with you all, and at the same time great things as well, don't think that I was going to leave out all the good things.

Until then look out for my blogs as I will be looking out for yours. I can't wait to catch up with you all and see how you are all doing. My best regards from my family to yours.

Your fellow Blogger

Jeannette Moreno

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